Friday, 22 July 2011

Stop Those Cravings with Aloe Vera Juice and a Rather Cute Yogi!

An article last month (17/06/2011) on Thinking Women's Health highlighted the benefits of using Aloe Vera Juice to stop sweet cravings, and the attractiveness of our Ayurvedic Herbalist, Sebastian Pole.

The article entitled 'The Sweet Craving Fixer' talked of the balancing effect a shot of pure Aloe Vera juice and a pinch of cinnamon can have on an empty stomach to stop cravings, and the gentle and calming effect it can have on your digestive system when experiencing discomfort.

The article's writer then went on to praise Pukka Herbs' lead Ayurvedic guru Sebastian Pole's rugged good looks, commenting he was “my favourite (and rather cute) yogi” – a quote that went down exceptionally well here in the Pukka Herbs office.

We're ecstatic that Thinking Women's Health liked both our Aloe Vera Juice, one of our best selling products online for its cleansing effect on the body, and our good looking herbal practitioner – both of which are fine assets to the Pukka Herbs brand, we're certain.

Pukka's Aloe Vera Juice contains the juice of hand selected leaves grown in pristine conditions, and is cold processed and unfiltered. Aloe Vera is an incredible plant which has been used for centuries to aid digestion and enhance beauty – as I think Sebastian's now proved!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

5 Pukka Herbs Teas Win Stars at Great Taste Awards

We've just heard from the Great Taste Awards that five Pukka Herbs teas have been Gold Star winners at this year’s event.

The Great Taste Awards, organised by the Guild of Fine Food, is the acknowledged benchmark for speciality food and drink. Regarded by many as the Oscars of the food world, it has become a quality sign consumers can trust.

Cleanse and Detox have received 1 Star, Night Time and Three Ginger have each received 2 Stars, and Three Fennel received 3 Stars. To put that into context, according to the Great Taste Awards, 1 Star is 'Close to perfect', 2 Stars is 'Faultless', and 3 Stars is 'Wow you must taste this'.

Wow – haven’t we done well? Of the 7482 products entered into the awards, only 608 were awarded 2 Stars and 114 were awarded 3 Stars.

Three different judging panels are responsible for the awarding at the Great Taste Awards and all tasting is bind to make the system as fair and unbiased as possible. The judges are made up of fine food retailers, chefs, restaurant critics, food writers and other industry experts.

Winning differentiates our products from the norm and gives a guarantee to the consumer that the products they are buying have a reliable seal of approval based upon great taste, and nothing else. 

Monday, 4 July 2011

Daily Express – Cake 'Cure' for Dementia

A recent article in the Daily Express, 'Cake 'Cure' for Dementia', has suggested that cinnamon is a “possible cure for Alzheimer's”, claiming it to be the “holy grail” in slowing the development of or even eradicating dementia in patients.

The article was based largely on research from Tel Aviv University in Israel – who were inspired to examine cinnamon from an extract in the Bible that described priests using it to combat infectious diseases. It was suggested that the research had found when an extract from cinnamon bark was given to mice and fruit flies bred with Alzheimer’s, after four months they showed “remarkably” normal “activity levels and longevity”.

Professor Michael Ovadia, lead author of the study, was quoted as stating: “The discovery is extremely exciting. It would not be a drug with side-effects but a safe, natural substance that human beings have been consuming for millennia”.

The article then went on to quote Dr Marie Jansen of Alzeimer's Research UK, who said: “Although these results look promising in mice and fruit flies, it's too soon to know what effect it would have in people.”

So that's all food for thought – quite literally in fact. Anyone fancy a nice cup of Licorice & Cinnamon tea

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Simple rules for healthy living

  1. There are no rules, so don't be too hard on yourself.
  2. When you can, stick to unprocessed, organic, seasonally produced foods - much more delicious!
  3. Make time to enjoy your food when you feel calm and relaxed.
  4. Eat until you are satisfied, not until you are full. Take a walk after meals to help digestion.
  5. Drink hot herbal drinks first thing in the morning to help your body cleanse.
  6. Improve digestion by avoiding chilled food or iced drinks.
  7. Exercise until the point you sweat - don't overstrain.
  8. Generate extra energy by going to bed by 11pm and getting up early.
  9. Try regular oil massage to keep your skin supple, body relaxed and mind cool.
  10. Find time to switch off in your day even if its only for 10 minutes.

Daily Mail - Organic food 'can help you lose weight and live longer'

An article in the Daily Mail this week (21/05/11) claimed that organic food can actually help you live longer.

Based on a recent study by The University of Newcastle, the article commented that “organic produce could help you live longer as well as keeping you healthier and slimmer”.

The study showed that organic fruit and vegetables, grown without artificial fertilisers, have more beneficial substances known as secondary metabolites and natural vitamin C, which can extend lifespan and help to balance weight. Certainly food for thought for all us lovers of natural herbal supplements!

Peter Melchett of the Soil Association commented: “There are lots of reasons people choose organic, not least because it is better for the environment, animal welfare and wildlife. Here we have research which demonstrates a significant health benefit.”

The University of Newcastle study will be published in the next issue of the journal Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. The findings can be found on the Soil Association website, summarised in this Meta poster.

Friday, 20 May 2011

An Introduction to Chanoyu - The Japanese Tea Ceremony

Since we read the amazing article 'Chanoyu and the Rituals of Tea Drinking' in Yoga Magazine, we thought we'd do our own post on Chanoyu, for those that didn't get chance to check it out.

Chanoyu is otherwise know as the Japanese tea ceremony. The literal meaning of the word is 'hot water for tea', but what it really symbolises is the thousand years of tea drinking history in Japan, and the study of making and serving tea.

More than just hot water, it's a spiritual experience for host and guest, allowing both to show hospitality and gratitude respectively.

The ritual started with monks drinking tea in a customary fashion, and soon spread to a wider crowd, making tea the drink of the masses. Zen Buddhism is seen as a primary influence.

Large tea drinking gatherings were called Chakai. Here specific instructions for the preparation of the room, utensils and service for tea drinking were created, resulting in the Chanoyu tea ceremony we know now.

So what exactly does Chanoyu involve?

It basically involves  following a set of predetermined actions when serving tea, which includes spoken phrases and unspoken gestures. The host does all the preparation and work in front of the guest, and they communicate through these unspoken gestures without general talk. It's designed to create the most harmonious and efficient means of serving tea to guests. 

One of the most basic forms of Chanoyu is called Usucha (thin tea). Want to know how to do it? Here's a quick (very basic!) guide:

1)      The guest enters a prepared tatami mat room (tatami is a type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional Japanese-style homes).
2)      The guest must bring his/her own napkins and silverware.
3)      The host enters, greets the guest, serves kashi (candy), bringing with them the necessary implements.
4)      These implements are then cleaned in front of the guest.
5)      The tea is then mixed and served, before the implements are then cleaned again.
6)      The host must then leave the room before the guest.
7)      The guest can now leave.

So there we have it, a mere taster of the practice of  Chanoyu. It's certainly nice to see tea being taken as seriously as we do! And don't forget to stock up on your herbal teas – you never know when someone's going to call in with their own silverware. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Reveal Magazine Mentions Pukka Three Ginger

Pukka Three Ginger tea has got a mention in the upcoming edition of Reveal magazine, in the article 'What's Your Pain IQ?', that looks into high street purchased painkillers and their natural alternatives.

We're all very happy that our ginger tea is going down a treat and getting some much deserved attention. The ginger we use in Three Ginger is 100% organically grown and comes from a small group of farmers in India, where the hot and humid climate perfectly suits that needed by the roots to grow.

They are harvested after one year of growth and dried in hot air ovens to ensure the essential oils are preserved, as well as all that deliciously spicy flavour. All this effort results in us producing an amazing tea that will help settle digestion whilst warming and uplifting your spirit!

Three Ginger tea is everything a ginger tea should really be – rich, spicy and stimulating, and in case you were wondering about the name, it's made using three different roots from the ginger family to create the fullest flavour possible.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Pukka Three Mint Tea: A Note From a Field

Ben from Pukka Herbs is 'our man in the field', and can currently be found in North India where he looks after our crops, and occasionally drinks a cup of delicious mint tea.

In fact, he's just sent us an email from the very field used to grow one of the three varieties of mint used in our delicious Three Mint Tea (maybe he wasn't in the field when he sent it – but you know what we mean). Here's his email:

“Dear All,

I have very much enjoyed receiving the Pukka emails and keeping in touch with news from HQ. From my side I thought you might enjoy the occasional photo from the field...

I have just come back from a trip to the mint fields to meet the farmers and help plan the next harvest (starting in May). Attached is one of my favourite pics from the last few days (well done to whoever picked the shade of green on the tea bag – it goes well with the field!). It’s a shame photos cannot capture smells – the air in this field is very, very fresh!

Congratulations to all on the
Three Fennel award!


Pukka Three Mint Tea contains peppermint leaf (34%), spearmint leaf (34%), fieldmint leaf (32%) and...absolutely nothing else whatsoever.

Sweet, intensely fresh with a delicately aromatic scent, this really is the best mint tea you will ever taste – if we do say so our humble selves. It's also perfect for soothing digestion.

Naturally caffeine free, 100% organically grown and ethically sourced – we know exactly where our teas come from (as I think we've proved in this article), and now so do you. 

Monday, 18 April 2011

Remedying the Rule of Remedies

Today the Metro feature a really informative and positive article about the pending changes in legislation that rule herbal medicine. Our very own Sebastian Pole was asked to contribute and here are the results! Click here to see the page online

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Pukka Wins Big At Natural Products!

Three Fennel wins at Natural & Organic Awards 2011

Pukka Herbs' Three Fennel tea has won Best New Organic Food Product at the Natural & Organic Awards 2011.

We're delighted one of our newest products has been recognised by one of the organic industry's leading authorities and award ceremonies.

Hosted in association with the Soil Association and Natural Products Magazine, since its creation fifteen years ago, the Natural & Organic Awards has become one of the benchmarks for quality and innovation in natural and organic food.

Launched in October 2010, Three Fennel is our deliciously sweet, aromatic and soothing tea that uses three varieties of fennel (in case you hadn't guessed!) to create an abundance of flavour that also helps calm and support digestion.

Naturally caffeine free, it's perfect for those cutting down on their caffeine intake, and as with all Pukka Herbs products, it's ethically sourced from the best suppliers.

Fennel has been used to support health for thousands of years; that's why we have created this unique blend to harness its incredible potential. That's also why we're very proud this special tea has received the attention it deserves.