Wednesday 27 October 2010

Announcing the arrival of two great new teas!

We've been excited about this one for a while but yesterday saw the official PR launch for our new teas! We have Morning Time and Three Fennel to welcome into the Pukka Family!

Three Fennel is a deliciously sweet blend of organic sweet fennel, wild fennal and fennel leaf tea. All the ingredients in this soothing and calming tea are organically grown and ethically sourced; as with all of our teas! Particularly exciting is the inclusion of a lovely ingredient from here in the UK; organic fennel leaf!

Morning Time has been specifically blended to give you a caffeine free lift first thing in the morning and, with its rich flavours of Rooibos, honey bush and the kick of red ginseng, we think it is a great alternative to coffee. This lovely tea can be drunk with or without milk and helps kick start the day.