Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Find our your Dosha!

The doshas:
In Ayurveda we are said to have body-mind types, these are known as dosha and consist ofvata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha has certain attributes and describes our individual characteristics, inherited traits, our likes and dislikes and our tendencies.
Generally we are a combination of dosha but one will usually dominate. If a dosha becomes out of balance, which can happen for a number of reasons, it can effect how we behave and even our health.
Typcial characteristics of each dosha type:
Vata types tend to be visionary, imaginative and full of creative energy but when they are out of balance they can be forgetful, spaced out, anxious and uptight. Typical vata problems are erractic digestion, bloating, anxiety or joint disorders.
Pitta types are confident, passionate leaders, organised and perfectionists but excess pittacan make them fiery, snappy and irritable. Pitta people have a tendency to suffer from skin irritations, overheating, heartburn and ulcers.
Kapha types tend to be loyal, kind-hearted, calm and full of love, but a kapha overload can make them lethargic, lacking in energy and a little overindulgent. Kapha types are prone to congestion, excess weight and sluggish digestion.
It's important to try and keep our doshas in balance in order to stay on top form. It's not always easy with the hectic lives we lead, but if we can learn what our body needs and adjust our lifestyle accordingly, it's a big step closer to staying healthy and happy!

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